1. (Recommended timing: Week 8) Develop a “Narrative State Network”
1.1. Review the Week 8 material on “Narrative Design”.
1.2. List the key characters or agents in your narrative, noting their characteristics, including:
1.2.1. Name
1.2.2. A brief description of their background (one or two sentences)
1.2.3. Their abilities
1.2.4. Their goals
1.3. Establish the starting condition of your narrative.
1.4. Branch out from this condition to create new states, clearly showing their transition conditions.
1.5. Expand from those new states, or loop back to pre-existing states, clearly showing their transition conditions.
1.6. Ensure that each pathway has appropriate dramatic arcs, as discussed in Module A, and as required in Assessment 1.
1.7. Continue to expand your narrative state network until satisfied that a typical experience would last between 4-6 minutes.
2. (Recommended timing: Week 9, 10) Create a Digital Storyboard
Create a digital storyboard similarly to what was instructed in Assessment 1, using the pre-built components in the DDES9903 starter kit provided on Moodle. Note that this experience is no longer linearly deterministic, meaning not all viewers will experience the same order of events, depending on the choices they make and other events in the narrative world.
2.1. Use the iterative design process to build your digital walkthrough. Test your drafts with others.
2.2. At each stage of iteration, document your rationale and justification for any changes.
3. (Recommended timing: Week 10, 11) Write Your Report
Your report should include:
3.1. Your narrative state network
3.2. Description of key agents
3.3. Description of key transitions
3.4. Justification of design decisions, including resolved problems during the iterative design process, with references
4. Use the “Marking Guide” at the end of this document to allocate your efforts.
Marking Guide
Mark Category Item Marks
Narrative Design Narrative Flow Management 10
Narrative Design Explanation and Justification of Usage 25
Agency User Agency 10
Agency Explanation and Justification of Usage 25
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Use of Audio & Other Sensory Triggers 2
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Explanation and Justification of Usage 8
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Use of Symbology, Iconography, Metaphors 2
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Explanation and Justification of Usage 8
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Use of Space 2
Narrative Sensemaking Elements Explanation and Justification of Usage 8